Changemaker Spotlight: October 2020



Saul Serna

Founder, The Catalyst - Arts & Wellness Studio

Est. 2019

In one sentence, what do you do?

Aside from running The Catalyst - Arts & Wellness Studio I am a fulltime Network Support Engineer for the tech company, Red Hat Inc. I am also a local Artist who's been quite active in my local artist community.

What drew you to the work you are doing with The Catalyst?

The Catalyst came to fruition as a result of our search to find my wife Sonya a space for her private practice as a LMFT (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist). She had been renting office space in Stockton for the past 4yrs and I kept encouraging that it would be a great investment for us to just get our own commercial space. Fortunately for us, the property we acquired on Yosemite St at the end of 2019 ended up being large enough to accommodate both of us, her practice on one side and the large rear studio which is now The Catalyst for me to really follow my passion of promoting the arts in our community. Although, together we decided that we combine both our backgrounds and create an Arts & Wellness studio where we could offer Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba classes, as well as host art shows and workshops for the community. We have big plans for our space but due to COVID-19, we are currently unable to operate at full capacity. Being unable to use the inside of the studio right now really limits us on what we can offer right now.

What inspires you about Stockton?

Since moving to Stockton in 2001 I have always wanted to get involved in our local artist community. I've joined and try to support every art organization in this town to help keep the arts alive in our community. As a result, I have met so many great passionate people in my community that despite challenges and criticism keep fighting to make this city a better place. This is what inspires me to do what I do. I want to be part of the solution, I don't want to be the one sitting on the sidelines criticizing everything that is wrong with my community. By investing here in this community I can now say I have skin in the game and have the best interest of my community and find joy in bringing something positive in my community through the arts.

What advice do you have for those looking to make change in Stockton?

If you want to see change in your community for the positive, GET INVOLVED! Don't expect our community leaders and city officials to solve all our problems. Every individual in our community has the potential to make a big impact, similar to a stone tossed in a lake, taking that plunge which then creates a wave and spreads a movement that reaches beyond us. One person alone can make a big impact or start a movement. Just imagine if we all were contributing for the better of our community. It would be an amazing place!

You're an innovator in your field and the world is rapidly changing around us. How are you adapting and what support can Third City Coalition members offer?

In regards to the arts, yes the world is rapidly changing in this industry. I always tell artist friends, "Before social media, artists had to physically carry their art around the world to get exposure. Now, one post and enough tags and you're immediately global". It's certainly a great time to be an artist. Although, the other challenge that has come as a result of social media is competition. Now, on the topic of support, well, we first need to create a community that supports the arts. We need to create a culture in our community that supports the arts. This means the encouragement and support of our city to really promote the arts within our community by supporting public art throughout our city. This means public murals, statues, sculptures, as well as frequent city-funded art programs and events. If we want the arts to succeed in our community it truly needs to be supported.

Mia Weitz