Changemaker Spotlight: November 2021



Janae Aptaker

Stockton Scholars, est. 2018

In one sentence, what do you do?
I activate community and partnerships to create a culture of higher education attainment in Stockton.

What drew you to the work you are doing in Stockton?
The desire to pay forward the powerful impact of education, mentorship and healing to the next generation.

What inspires you about Stockton?
The brilliance, creativity and incredible leadership of Stockton's young people!

What advice do you have for those looking to make change in Stockton?
ALWAYS be your authentic self in every area of your life. If you don't know who that is, begin your search ASAP. Embracing your authenticity gives you the clarity needed to listen, connect and collaborate to make change in a meaningful and lasting way.

You're an innovator in your field. With the world rapidly changing around us, how are you adapting and what support can Third City Coalition members offer?
We are harnessing the power of technology and storytelling to fuel the outcomes of our work. After the pandemic began, we had to think of creative ways to connect with our incoming and current scholars. In the process of learning and sharing more about their personal and educational journeys in virtual spaces, we've been able to build a growing community of young people who connect and identify with one another yielding bonds and networks that we hope last a lifetime. Third City can support our mission by regularly amplifying the stories of our scholars and by collaborating to provide opportunities for young people to engage in civic issues while developing civic pride for their hometown.

Mia Weitz