Changemaker Spotlight: August 2021


Brittany Bobian

Balloons Over Bullets, est. 2018

In one sentence, what do you do?
Voice of the people.

What drew you to the work you are doing in Stockton?
God. The work we are doing is what God has called us to do. I looked back on all the things I’ve overcame and it is my obligation to come back to my city and help empower and advocate for the people.

What inspires you about Stockton?
The people. Never underestimate the people of Stockton. We can and have overcome any and everything. We’re resilient and full of love and pride for this city. That’s power, with enough people that care you can change the world.

What advice do you have for those looking to make change in Stockton?
As long as you believe and see it, no one can tell you it’s not possible. Intention is everything. Make sure you know why you are doing something and stand on it. “You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time” - Angela Davis.

You're an innovator in your field. With the world rapidly changing around us, how are you adapting and what support can Third City Coalition members offer?
Staying creative. Knowing there’s nothing new under the sun and using that to constantly look for what’s working and not and apply real life experiences. We believe in the power of community and need help from the people to make these things possible. There’s nothing we can’t do for ourselves. All power to the people.

Mia Weitz